If you are looking for an easy way to get started with soldering or simply want to make a small portable gadget. this set is a great opportunity. "LED cube" is an educational set for learning the soldering skill. with which you get a small electronic game at the end. After you turn on and shake this board. certain leds will light up randomly and symbolize the number. as if a real die had been thrown.
It is based on the Attiny404 microcontroller. programmed in Arduino. and there is a battery on the back which makes this gadget portable. There is also a keychain so you can always carry your new game with you! Soldering is easy according to the markings on the board.
- 1x PCB
- 1x ATtiny404 microcontroller
- 7x LEDs
- 7x Resistors (330 ohm)
- 1x Resistor (10 kohm)
- 1x Battery holder
- 1x CR2032 battery
- 1x Switch
- 1x Vibration sensor SW-18020P
- 1x Keychain ring