Elektor Special: Arduino Shields (E-paper)


Make your project dreams come true: an odometer for the hamster wheel. a fully automatic control of your ant farm with web interface. or the Sandwich-O-Mat ? a machine that toasts and grills sandwiches of your choice.

With the Arduino and the DIY or Maker movement. not only did entry into microcontroller programming become child's play. but a second development also took place: Resourceful developers brought small boards ? so-called shields or modules ? to the market. which greatly simplified the use of additional hardware. The small modules contain all the important electronic parts to be connected to the microcontroller with a few plug-in cables. eliminating the need for a fiddly and time-consuming assembly on the plug-in board. In addition. it is also possible to handle tiny components that do not have any connecting legs (so-called SMDs).

Projects Discussed

  1. Arduino seeks connection
  2. BMP and introduction to libraries. I²C
  3. Learn I/O basics with the multi-purpose shield
  4. I²C LCD adapter and DOT matrix displays
  5. LCD keypad shield
  6. Level converter
  7. W5100: Internet connection
  8. I/O expansion shield
  9. Relays and solid-state relays
  10. The multi-function shield: A universal control unit
  11. Connecting an SD card reader via SPI
  12. Keys and 7-segment displays
  13. 16-bit ADC
  14. MCP4725 DAC
  15. 16-way PWM servo driver
  16. MP3 player
  17. GPS data logger using an SD card
  18. Touch sensor
  19. Joystick
  20. SHT31: Temperature and humidity
  21. VEML6070 UV-A sensor
  22. VL53L0X time-of-flight
  23. Ultrasonic distance meter
  24. MAX7219-based LED DOT matrix display
  25. DS3231 RTC
  26. Port expander MCP23017
  27. 433 MHz radio
  28. MPU-650 gyroscope
  29. ADXL345 accelerometer
  30. WS2812 RGB LEDs
  31. Power supply
  32. MQ-xx gas sensors
  33. CO2 gas sensor
  34. ACS712 current sensor
  35. INA219 current sensor
  36. L298 motor driver
  37. MFRC522 RFID
  38. 28BYJ-48 stepper motor
  39. TMC2209 silent step stick
  40. X9C10x digital potentiometer
  41. ST7735 in a color TFT display
  42. e-Paper display
  43. Bluetooth
  44. Geiger counter
  45. SIM800L GSM module
  46. I²C multiplexer
  47. Controller Area Network
Product form

Make your project dreams come true: an odometer for the hamster wheel. a fully automatic control of your ant farm... Read more

€ 11,95 incl. VAT
Members € 10,76


    SKU: 20213
    EAN: 978-3-89576-508-7
    ISBN: 978-3-89576-508-7
    Language: English
    Pages: 132
    Format: PDF


    Make your project dreams come true: an odometer for the hamster wheel. a fully automatic control of your ant farm with web interface. or the Sandwich-O-Mat ? a machine that toasts and grills sandwiches of your choice.

    With the Arduino and the DIY or Maker movement. not only did entry into microcontroller programming become child's play. but a second development also took place: Resourceful developers brought small boards ? so-called shields or modules ? to the market. which greatly simplified the use of additional hardware. The small modules contain all the important electronic parts to be connected to the microcontroller with a few plug-in cables. eliminating the need for a fiddly and time-consuming assembly on the plug-in board. In addition. it is also possible to handle tiny components that do not have any connecting legs (so-called SMDs).

    Projects Discussed

    1. Arduino seeks connection
    2. BMP and introduction to libraries. I²C
    3. Learn I/O basics with the multi-purpose shield
    4. I²C LCD adapter and DOT matrix displays
    5. LCD keypad shield
    6. Level converter
    7. W5100: Internet connection
    8. I/O expansion shield
    9. Relays and solid-state relays
    10. The multi-function shield: A universal control unit
    11. Connecting an SD card reader via SPI
    12. Keys and 7-segment displays
    13. 16-bit ADC
    14. MCP4725 DAC
    15. 16-way PWM servo driver
    16. MP3 player
    17. GPS data logger using an SD card
    18. Touch sensor
    19. Joystick
    20. SHT31: Temperature and humidity
    21. VEML6070 UV-A sensor
    22. VL53L0X time-of-flight
    23. Ultrasonic distance meter
    24. MAX7219-based LED DOT matrix display
    25. DS3231 RTC
    26. Port expander MCP23017
    27. 433 MHz radio
    28. MPU-650 gyroscope
    29. ADXL345 accelerometer
    30. WS2812 RGB LEDs
    31. Power supply
    32. MQ-xx gas sensors
    33. CO2 gas sensor
    34. ACS712 current sensor
    35. INA219 current sensor
    36. L298 motor driver
    37. MFRC522 RFID
    38. 28BYJ-48 stepper motor
    39. TMC2209 silent step stick
    40. X9C10x digital potentiometer
    41. ST7735 in a color TFT display
    42. e-Paper display
    43. Bluetooth
    44. Geiger counter
    45. SIM800L GSM module
    46. I²C multiplexer
    47. Controller Area Network

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review

    Arduino shields is a fantastic book. For a wide range of users, showing and explaining a wide range of boards and sensors together with the applicable Arduino sketches.
    A great combination of learning and making it visible in practice.


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