The project book. written by well-known Elektor author Dogan Ibrahim. is an introduction to using the Raspberry Pi Pico Experimenting Kit. The kit is based on the Raspberry Pi Pico processor and includes several on-board as well as external sensors. and an actuator. The kit is programmed using the MicroPython programming language. The Thonny development environment (IDE) is used in all the projects in the book. All the projects given in the book have been fully tested and are working. No prior programming or electronic experience are required to follow the projects.
The book?s fully evaluated projects feature all the supplied components. Each project includes a block diagram. a circuit diagram. a full program listing. and a complete program description.
Included in the bundle
- Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040
- Pico Expansion Board
- 1.44-inch TFT LCD with ST7735 driver
- 3x Pushbutton input
- 3x LED output
- 1x Active buzzer
- 6x Interfaces (UART/GPIO/I²C/ADC) Grove-compatible
- Powered by Micro-USB
- 8 Modules
- MPU6050 6-axis IMU
- DHT11 humidity & temperature sensor
- 10 A relay
- SG90 servo
- Slide potentiometer
- Serial-to-WiFi (ESP8266) module
- Ultrasonic range sensor
- 8-bit RGB addressable LED (WS2818) module
- Project book (178 pages)
42 Projects in the Book
Board-Hardware-Based Projects
- Flashing an on-board LED
- Flashing SOS
- Flashing LED ? using a timer
- Alternately flashing LEDs
- Pushbutton control
- Changing the LED flashing rate using pushbutton interrupts
- Binary counting LEDs
- Randomly flashing yellow. green. and blue LEDs
- Chasing LEDs
- Reaction timer
- Buttons and LEDs
The TFT Display
- Second counter
- Event counter
- Reaction timer
- Display LED and button status
- Temperature and humidity ? display in Thonny window
- Temperature and humidity ? LED output
- Temperature and humidity ? display on TFT
- ON/OFF temperature control
- ON/OFF temperature control ? setting the desired temperature
- Voltmeter
- Changing the brightness of an LED
- Ultrasonic distance measurement - display in Thonny window
- Ultrasonic distance measurement - display on TFT
- Height of a person (stadiometer)
- Ultrasonic reverse-parking aid with buzzer
- Ultrasonic liquid level controller
- Melody maker
- Servo motor control
- Accurate servo motor control
- WS2812 LED strip light show - state machine approach
- WS2812 LED strip light show ? using the neopixel library
- WS2812 LED strip show ? another neopixel library example
- Displaying 3 dimensions of acceleration
- A car?s maximum acceleration ? using the TFT display
- Level display using the gyroscope
- MPU6050 temperature display
- TFT display test
- TFT bitmap display
Using the WiFi
- Connect to the local Wi-Fi network and display the IP address
- Controlling an LED from a smartphone using Wi-Fi
- Displaying the temperature on a smartphone using Wi-Fi