Machine Learning with Python

  • BrandElektor Publishing


Most people are increasingly confronted with the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Music or video ratings. navigation systems. shopping advice. etc. are based on methods that can be attributed to this field.

The term Artificial Intelligence was coined in 1956 at an international conference known as the Dartmouth Summer Research Project. One basic approach was to model the functioning of the human brain and to construct advanced computer systems based on this. Soon it should be clear how the human mind works. Transferring it to a machine was considered only a small step. This notion proved to be a bit too optimistic. Nevertheless. the progress of modern AI. or rather its subspecialty called Machine Learning (ML). can no longer be denied.

In this book. several different systems will be used to get to know the methods of machine learning in more detail. In addition to the PC. both the Raspberry Pi and the Maixduino will demonstrate their capabilities in the individual projects. In addition to applications such as object and facial recognition. practical systems such as bottle detectors. person counters. or a ?talking eye? will also be created.

The latter is capable of acoustically describing objects or faces that are detected automatically. For example. if a vehicle is in the field of view of the connected camera. the information 'I see a car!' is output via electronically generated speech. Such devices are highly interesting examples of how. for example. blind or severely visually impaired people can also benefit from AI systems.

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Most people are increasingly confronted with the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Music or video ratings. navigation systems. shopping advice.... Read more

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    SKU: 20149
    EAN: 9783895765025
    ISBN: 978-3-89576-502-5
    Author: Günter Spanner
    Language: English
    Pages: 247 (Full Color)
    Format: 17 x 23.5 cm (Paperback)


    Most people are increasingly confronted with the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Music or video ratings. navigation systems. shopping advice. etc. are based on methods that can be attributed to this field.

    The term Artificial Intelligence was coined in 1956 at an international conference known as the Dartmouth Summer Research Project. One basic approach was to model the functioning of the human brain and to construct advanced computer systems based on this. Soon it should be clear how the human mind works. Transferring it to a machine was considered only a small step. This notion proved to be a bit too optimistic. Nevertheless. the progress of modern AI. or rather its subspecialty called Machine Learning (ML). can no longer be denied.

    In this book. several different systems will be used to get to know the methods of machine learning in more detail. In addition to the PC. both the Raspberry Pi and the Maixduino will demonstrate their capabilities in the individual projects. In addition to applications such as object and facial recognition. practical systems such as bottle detectors. person counters. or a ?talking eye? will also be created.

    The latter is capable of acoustically describing objects or faces that are detected automatically. For example. if a vehicle is in the field of view of the connected camera. the information 'I see a car!' is output via electronically generated speech. Such devices are highly interesting examples of how. for example. blind or severely visually impaired people can also benefit from AI systems.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Ronald B.
    Uitleg prima downloads wat verwarrend

    Het verhaal is logisch opgebouwd met bekende voorbeelden van het internet en de uitleg is goed en het beschrijft vooral hoe je met bestaande programma s ML kan opbouwen. Dat gezegd hebbende zijn er wel enkele zaken waar men rekening mee moet houden. De te installeren files op de raspi4 welke in de download staan en trouwens ook in de omschrijvingen in het boek zijn gebaseerd op de 32bit Debian versie of oudere Debian versie. Helaas werkt tensorflow en de meeste van de extra modules die je moet installeren daardoor niet meer(Werken enkel op de 64 bit versie). Een voordeel is wel als men de 64bit versie installeer kan men eenvoudig de meeste voorbeelden wel uitvoeren in het boek (men moet wel even op internet te snuffelen welke extra bestanden men moet downloaden t.b.v Tensorflow). De te downloaden jupyter files gelukkig wel aangepast maar daardoor komen deze niet 100% overeen met de programma beschrijvingen in het boek (zitten kleine nuance verschillen in als je deze uit het boek probeert i.p.v de downloads). Nog 1 extra opmerking als men rdp installeer zoals aangegeven in het boek moet men tegenwoordig een extra gebruiker in debian aanmaken en via deze gebruiker inloggen.
    Al me al geeft het boek een goed overzicht welke programma?s men kan gebruiken m.b.t het werken met ML en Python. Heeft u interesse hoe men met python vanaf het laagste niveau (nodes) ANN en DNN opbouwt tot b.v. de cijfer herkenning welke in dit boek besproken wordt is het misschien eens verstandig het boek Data Science from scratch van Goel Grus te lezen


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