Explore ATtiny Microcontrollers using C and Assembly Language

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      SKU: 20007
      ISBN: 978-3-89576-479-0
      Author: Warwick A. Smith
      Language: English
      Pages: 376 (Full Color)
      Format: 17 x 23.5 cm (Paperback)

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 2 reviews
      Très bonne présentation

      Malgré mon anglais technique poussif, la présentation et le développement du sujet aident vraiment le novice que je suis.
      Les programmes, sur fond bleu, se détachent parfaitement du reste du texte.
      Les explications contenues dans ce livre, m'ont permis de faire mes premiers essais et d'évoluer dans ce monde de l'assembleur.

      Excellent Book

      The book is software focused. But I found that I learned a lot about the workings of the ATtiny chips. You need to have an Attiny chip and some basic breadboard components. I recommend the ATtiny25/45/85. I used a 45. Also I used a PICKit4 to program and debug.
      Overall, it is well written and easy to understand. All the sample projects worked as described. It is mostly assembly but has some C as well. The disassembly option described is great for understanding what the C code is actually doing.
      I recommend this book and look forward to future releases by this author.


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