The project book. written by well-known Elektor author Dogan Ibrahim. holds many software- and hardware-based projects especially developed for the Arduino Uno Experimenting Kit. The kit comes with an Arduino Uno board. several LEDs. sensors. actuators. and other components. The purpose of the kit is to make a flying start with hardware and software aspects of projects designed around the Arduino Uno microcontroller system.
The projects given in this guide are fully evaluated and working and fully employ all the supplied components. A block diagram. a circuit diagram. an extensive program listing. and a complete program description is given for every project in the guide.
Included in the kit
- 1x Arduino Uno Rev3 board
- 1x RFID reader module
- 1x DS1302 clock module
- 1x 5 V stepper motor
- 1x '2003' stepper motor drive board
- 5x Green LED
- 5x Yellow LED
- 5x Red LED
- 2x Rocker switch
- 1x Flame sensor
- 1x LM35 sensor module
- 1x Infrared receiver
- 3x Light-dependent resistors (LDRs)
- 1x IR remote controller
- 1x Breadboard
- 4x Pushbutton (with four caps)
- 1x Buzzer
- 1x Piezo sounder
- 1x Adjustable resistor (potentiometer)
- 1x 74HC595 shift register
- 1x 7-segment display
- 1x 4-digit 7-segment display
- 1x 8x8 Dot-matrix display
- 1x 1602 / I²C LCD module
- 1x DHT11 Temperature and humidity module
- 1x Relay module
- 1x Sound module
- Set of Dupont cables
- Set of Breadboard cables
- 1x Water sensor
- 1x PS2 Joystick
- 5x 1 k-ohm resistor
- 5x 10 k-ohm resistor
- 5x 220-ohm resistor
- 1x 4x4 keypad module
- 1x 9g Servo (25 cm)
- 1x RFID card
- 1x RGB module
- 1x 9 V battery DC jack
- Project book (237 pages)
Over 60 Projects in the Book
Hardware Projects with LEDs
- Blinking LED ? using the onboard LED
- Blinking LED ? using an external LED
- LED flashing SOS
- Alternately-blinking LEDs
- Chasing LEDs
- Chasing LEDs 2
- Binary counting LEDs
- Random flashing LEDs ? Christmas lights
- Button controlled LED
- Controlling the LED flashing rate ? external interrupts
- Reaction timer
- LED color wand
- RGB fixed colors
- Traffic lights
- Traffic lights with pedestrian crossings
- Using the 74HC595 shift register ? binary up counter
- Using the 74HC595 shift register ? randomly flashing 8 LEDs
- Using the 74HC595 shift register ? chasing LEDs
- Using the 74HC595 shift register ? turn ON a specified LED
- Using the 74HC595 shift register ? turn ON specified LEDs
7-Segment LED Displays
- 7-Segment 1-digit LED counter
- 7-Segment 4-digit multiplexed LED display
- 7-Segment 4-digit multiplexed LED display counter ? timer interrupts
- 7-Segment 4-digit multiplexed LED display counter ? eliminating the leading zeroes
- 7-Segment 4-digit multiplexed LED display ? reaction timer
- Timer interrupt blinking onboard LED
Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs)
- Display text on the LCD
- Scrolling text on the LCD
- Display custom characters on the LCD
- LCD based conveyor belt goods counter
- LCD-based accurate clock using timer interrupts
- LCD dice
- Analog temperature sensor
- Voltmeter
- On/Off temperature controller
- Darkness reminder using a light-dependent resistor (LDR)
- Tilt detection
- Water-level sensor
- Displaying water levels
- Water level controller
- Flooding detector with buzzer
- Sound detection sensor ? relay control by hand clapping
- Flame sensor ? fire detection with relay output
- Temperature and humidity display
- Generating musical tones with the melody maker
The RFID Reader
- Finding the Tag ID
- RFID door lock access control with relay
The 4x4 Keypad
- Display the pressed key code on the Serial Monitor
- Integer calculator with LCD
- Keypad door security lock with relay
The Real-Time Clock (RTC) Module
- RTC with Serial Monitor
- RTC with LCD
- Temperature and humidity display with time stamping
The Joystick
- Reading joystick analog values
8x8 LED Matrix
- Test-rotate the servo
- Servo sweep
- Joystick-controlled servo
- Rotate the motor clockwise and then anticlockwise
Infrared Receiver and Remote Controller Unit
- Decoding the IR remote control codes
- Remote relay activation/deactivation
- Infrared remote stepper motor control