6 products

  • SparkFun DataLogger IoT (9DoF)

    SparkFun SparkFun DataLogger IoT (9DoF)

    The SparkFun DataLogger IoT (9DoF) is a data logger that comes preprogrammed to automatically log IMU, GPS, and various pressure, humidity, and distance sensors. All without writing a single line of code! The DataLogger automatically detects, configures, and logs Qwiic sensors. It was specifically designed for users who just need to capture a lot of data to a CSV or JSON file and get back to their larger project. Save the data to a microSD card or send it wirelessly to your preferred Internet of Things (IoT) service! Included on every DataLogger IoT is an IMU for built-in logging of a triple-axis accelerometer, gyro, and magnetometer. Whereas the original 9DOF Razor used the old MPU-9250, the DataLogger IoT uses the ISM330DHCX from STMicroelectronics and MMC5983MA from MEMSIC. Simply power up the DataLogger IoT, configure the board to record readings from supported devices, and begin logging! Data can be time-stamped when the time is synced to NTP, GNSS, or RTC. The DataLogger IoT is highly configurable over an easy-to-use serial interface. Simply plug in a USB-C cable and open a serial terminal at 115200 baud. The logging output is automatically streamed to both the terminal and the microSD card. Pressing any key in the terminal window will open the configuration menu. The DataLogger IoT (9DoF) automatically scans, detects, configures, and logs various Qwiic sensors plugged into the board (no soldering, no programming!). Specifications ESP32-WROOM-32E Module Integrated 802.11b/g/n WiFi 2.4 GHz transceiver Configurable via CH340C Operating voltage range 3.3 V to 6.0 V (via VIN) 5 V with USB (via 5 V or USB type C) 3.6 V to 4.2 V with LiPo battery (via BATT or 2-pin JST) Built-in MCP73831 single cell LiPo charger Minimum 500 mA charge rate 3.3 V (via 3V3) MAX17048 LiPo Fuel Gauge Ports 1x USB-C 1x JST style connector for LiPo battery 2x Qwiic enabled I²C 1x microSD socket Support for 4-bit SDIO and microSD cards formatted to FAT32 9-axis IMU Accelerometer & Gyro (ISM330DHCX) Magnetometer (MMC5983MA) LEDs Charge (CHG) Status (STAT) WS2812-2020 Addressable RGB Jumpers IMU interrupt Magnetometer interrupt RGB LED Status LED Charge LED I²C pull-up resistors USB Shield Buttons Reset Boot Dimensions: 1.66 x 2.0' (4.2 x 5.1 cm) Weight: 10.7 g Downloads Schematic Eagle Files Board Dimensions Hookup Guide CH340 Drivers Firmware GitHub Hardware Repo

    € 94,95

    Members € 85,46

  • SparkFun Thing Plus Matter (MGM240P)

    SparkFun SparkFun Thing Plus Matter (MGM240P)

    The SparkFun Thing Plus Matter is the first easily accessible board of its kind that combines Matter and SparkFun’s Qwiic ecosystem for agile development and prototyping of Matter-based IoT devices. The MGM240P wireless module from Silicon Labs provides secure connectivity for both 802.15.4 with Mesh communication (Thread) and Bluetooth Low Energy 5.3 protocols. The module comes ready for integration into Silicon Labs' Matter IoT protocol for home automation.What is Matter? Simply put, Matter allows for consistent operation between smart home devices and IoT platforms without an Internet connection, even from different providers. In doing so, Matter is able to communicate between major IoT ecosystems in order to create a single wireless protocol that is easy, reliable, and secure to use.The Thing Plus Matter (MGM240P) includes Qwiic and LiPo battery connectors, and multiple GPIO pins capable of complete multiplexing through software. The board also features the MCP73831 single-cell LiPo charger as well as the MAX17048 fuel gauge to charge and monitor a connected battery. Lastly, a µSD card slot for any external memory needs is integrated.The MGM240P wireless module is built around the EFR32MG24 Wireless SoC with a 32-bit ARM Cortext-M33 core processor running at 39 MHz with 1536 kb Flash memory and 256 kb RAM. The MGM240P works with common 802.15.4 wireless protocols (Matter, ZigBee, and OpenThread) as well as Bluetooth Low Energy 5.3. The MGM240P supports Silicon Labs' Secure Vault for Thread applications.Specifications MGM240P Wireless Module Built around the EFR32MG24 Wireless SoC 32-bit ARM-M33 Core Processor (@ 39 MHz) 1536 kB Flash Memory 256 kB RAM Supports Multiple 802.15.4 Wireless Protocols (ZigBee and OpenThread) Bluetooth Low Energy 5.3 Matter-ready Secure Vault Support Built-in Antenna Thing Plus Form-Factor (Feather-compatible): Dimensions: 5.8 x 2.3 cm (2.30 x 0.9') 2 Mounting Holes:4-40 screw compatible 21 GPIO PTH Breakouts All pins have complete multiplexing capability through software SPI, I²C and UART interfaces mapped by default to labeled pins 13 GPIO (6 labeled as Analog, 7 labeled for GPIO)All function as either GPIO or Analog Built-in-Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) USB-C Connector 2-Pin JST LiPo Battery Connector for a LiPo Battery (not included) 4-Pin JST Qwiic Connector MC73831 Single-Cell LiPo ChargerConfigurable charge rate (500 mA Default, 100 mA Alternate) MAX17048 Single-Cell LiPo Fuel Gauge µSD Card Slot Low Power Consumption (15 µA when MGM240P is in Low Power Mode) LEDs: PWR – Red Power LED CHG – Yellow battery charging status LED STAT – Blue status LED Reset Button: Physical push-button Reset signal can be tied to A0 to enable use as a peripheral device Downloads Schematic Eagle Files Board Dimensions Hookup Guide Datasheet (MGM240P) Fritzing Part Thing+ Comparison Guide Qwiic Info Page GitHub Hardware Repo

    € 34,95

    Members € 31,46

  • SparkFun RP2040 mikroBUS Development Board

    SparkFun SparkFun RP2040 mikroBUS Development Board

    The SparkFun RP2040 mikroBUS Development Board is a low-cost, high performance platform with flexible digital interfaces featuring the Raspberry Pi Foundation's RP2040 microcontroller. Besides the Thing Plus or Feather PTH pin layout, the board also includes a microSD card slot, 16 MB (128 Mbit) flash memory, a JST single cell battery connector (with a charging circuit and fuel gauge sensor), an addressable WS2812 RGB LED, JTAG PTH pins, four (4-40 screw) mounting holes, our signature Qwiic connectors, and a mikroBUS socket. The mikroBUS standard was developed by MikroElektronika. Similar to Qwiic and MicroMod interfaces, the mikroBUS socket provides a standardized connection for add-on Click boards to be attached to a development board and is comprised of a pair of 8-pin female headers with a standardized pin configuration. The pins consist of three groups of communications pins (SPI, UART and I²C), six additional pins (PWM, Interrupt, Analog input, Reset and Chip select), and two power groups (3.3 V and 5 V). The RP2040 is supported with both C/C++ and MicroPython cross-platform development environments, including easy access to runtime debugging. It has UF2 boot and floating-point routines baked into the chip. While the chip has a large amount of internal RAM, the board includes an additional 16 MB of external QSPI flash memory to store program code. The RP2040 contains two ARM Cortex-M0+ processors (up to 133 MHz) and features: 264 kB of embedded SRAM in six banks 6 dedicated IO for SPI Flash (supporting XIP) 30 multifunction GPIO: Dedicated hardware for commonly used peripherals Programmable IO for extended peripheral support Four 12-bit ADC channels with internal temperature sensor (up to 0.5 MSa/s) USB 1.1 Host/Device functionality Features (SparkFun RP2040 mikroBUS Dev. Board) Raspberry Pi Foundation's RP2040 microcontroller 18 Multifunctional GPIO Pins Four available 12-bit ADC channels with internal temperature sensor (500kSa/s) Up to eight 2-channel PWM Up to two UARTs Up to two I²C buses Up to two SPI buses Thing Plus (or Feather) Pin Layout: 28 PTH Pins USB-C Connector: USB 1.1 Host/Device functionality 2-pin JST Connector for a LiPo Battery (not included): 500mA charging circuit 4-pin JST Qwiic Connector LEDs: PWR - Red 3.3V power indicator CHG - Yellow battery charging indicator 25 - Blue status/test LED (GPIO 25) WS2812 - Addressable RGB LED (GPIO 08) Buttons: Boot Reset JTAG PTH Pins 16MB QSPI Flash Memory µSD Card Slot mikroBUS Socket Dimensions: 3.7' x 1.2' Four Mounting Holes: 4-40 screw compatible Downloads Schematic Eagle Files Board Dimensions Hookup Guide Qwiic Info Page GitHub Hardware Repository

    € 19,95

    Members € 17,96

  • SparkFun MicroMod mikroBUS Carrier Board

    SparkFun SparkFun MicroMod mikroBUS Carrier Board

    The SparkFun MicroMod mikroBUS Carrier Board takes advantage of the MicroMod, Qwiic, and mikroBUS ecosystems making it easy to rapidly prototype with each of them, combined. The MicroMod M.2 socket and mikroBUS 8-pin header provide users the freedom to experiment with any Processor Board in the MicroMod ecosystem and any Click board in the mikroBUS ecosystem, respectively. This board also features two Qwiic connectors to seamlessly integrate hundreds of Qwiic sensors and accessories into your project. The mikroBUS socket comprises a pair of 8-pin female headers with a standardized pin configuration. The pins consist of three groups of communications pins (SPI, UART and I²C), six additional pins (PWM, Interrupt, Analog input, Reset and Chip select), and two power groups (3.3 V and 5 V). While a modern USB-C connector makes programming easy, the Carrier Board is also equipped with a MCP73831 Single-Cell Lithium-Ion/Lithium-Polymer Charge IC so you can charge an attached single-cell LiPo battery. The charge IC receives power from the USB connection and can source up to 450 mA to charge an attached battery. Features M.2 MicroMod (Processor Board) Connector USB-C Connector 3.3 V 1 A Voltage Regulator 2x Qwiic Connectors mikroBUS Socket Boot/Reset Buttons Charge Circuit JTAG/SWD PTH Pins Downloads Schematic Eagle Files Board Dimensions Hookup Guide Getting Started with Necto Studio mikroBUS Standard Qwiic Info Page GitHub Hardware Repo

    € 27,95

    Members € 25,16

  • SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini 328 (5 V, 16 MHz)

    SparkFun SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini 328 (5 V, 16 MHz)

    The Arduino Pro Mini is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, an on-board resonator, a reset button, and holes for mounting pin headers. A six pin header can be connected to an FTDI cable or Sparkfun breakout board to provide USB power and communication to the board. The Arduino Pro Mini is intended for semi-permanent installation in objects or exhibitions. The board comes without pre-mounted headers, allowing the use of various types of connectors or direct soldering of wires. The pin layout is compatible with the Arduino Mini. The Arduino Pro Mini was designed and is manufactured by SparkFun Electronics. Specifications Microcontroller ATmega328P Board Power Supply 5-12 V Circuit Operating Voltage 5 V Digital I/O Pins 14 PWM Pins 6 UART 1 SPI 1 I²C 1 Analog Input Pins 6 External Interrupts 2 DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA Flash Memory 32 KB of which 2 KB used by bootloader SRAM 2 KB EEPROM 1 KB Clock Speed 16 MHz Dimensions 18 x 33.3 mm (0.7 x 1.3') Downloads Eagle files Schematics

    € 14,95

    Members € 13,46

  • SparkFun JetBot AI Kit v2.1 (zonder NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit)

    SparkFun SparkFun JetBot AI Kit v3.0 (without NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit)

    The SparkFun JetBot AI Kit V3.0 is a great launchpad for creating entirely new AI projects for makers, students, and enthusiasts interested in learning AI and building fun applications. It’s straightforward to set up and use and is compatible with many popular accessories. Several interactive tutorials show you how to harness AI's power to teach the SparkFun JetBot to follow objects, avoid collisions, and more. The Jetson Nano Developer Kit (not included in this kit) offers useful tools like the Jetson GPIO Python library and is compatible with standard sensors and peripherals; including some new python compatibility with the SparkFun Qwiic ecosystem. Additionally, the included image is delivered with the advanced functionality of JetBot ROS (Robot Operating System) and AWS RoboMaker Ready with AWS IoT Greengrass already installed. SparkFun’s JetBot AI Kit is the only kit currently on the market ready to move beyond the standard JetBot examples and into the world of connected and intelligent robotics. This kit includes everything you need to get started with JetBot minus a Phillips head screwdriver and an Ubuntu desktop GUI. If you need these, check out the includes tabs for some suggestions from our catalogue. Please be aware that the ability to run multiple neural networks in parallel may only be possible with a full 5V-4A power supply. Features SparkFun Qwiic ecosystem for I²C communication The ecosystem can be expanded using 4x Qwiic connectors on GPIO header Example Code for Basic Motion, Teleoperation, Collision avoidance, & Object Following Compact form factor to optimize existing neural net from NVIDIA 136° FOV camera for machine vision Pre-flashed MicroSD card Chassis assembly offers expandable architecture No soldering required Included 64 GB MicroSD card - pre-flashed SparkFun JetBot image: Nvidia Jetbot base image with the following installed: SparkFun Qwiic python library package Driver for Edimax WiFi adapter Greengrass Jetbot ROS Leopard Imaging 136FOV wide-angle camera & ribbon cable EDIMAX WiFi Adapter SparkFun Qwiic Motor Driver SparkFun Micro OLED Breakout (Qwiic) All hardware & prototyping electronics needed to complete your fully functional robot! Required NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit Downloads Assembly Guide

    € 219,00

    Members € 197,10


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